Growing up I thought I would be a SAHM. I believed my sole purpose in life was to be a mom. When I finally got there in 2019, I felt totally lost and unsupported. After years of soul searching, I took the plunge and created She and Co for women like me.
I deeply believe that while we create a magical childhood for our children, we are also creating our motherhood.
We get one life, and I believe in living it to its fullest- whatever that looks like individually.
I am obsessed with my two small children! We love going on adventures as a family.
Personally, though, I love balancing my motherhood with hanging out with friends, blasting Taylor Swift and going to the spa.
Most parents prepare well for a baby's arrival, but not everyone is aware of the struggles that can come for the couple postpartum. We offer a variety of services to help families in the first postpartum year and beyond.
We believe that socializing is an important part of a mother's mental health. We offer support groups online so that you don't even have to get dressed and leave the couch! We know those early years are difficult and want to bring the support to you.